Automated home 2.0 – #11 Our floor plan
We’ve already looked at how we arrived at our target room sizes, and the process around the design of the house, so next it’s the turn of the internal layout.
The floor plan Puzzle
One of the best things about a self-build is getting your own custom-made layout, a bespoke design that’s just not available anywhere else.
Mind you, getting the rooms in the ideal locations, with the ideal flow and relationship between each other is a challenge. In fact I think getting the floor-plan ideal may be the most tough part of the entire process.
And that’s because moving just one of the elements has a knock on effect that gets a lot more and a lot more pronounced the closer you get to having everything in just the ideal place.
We ended up with an extra bedroom because of this, there was just no satisfactory way to lose the space without upsetting some other part of the plan too much.
We started off with a few policies that we had to build the floor-plan around. For example we always knew we wanted the master bedroom on the ground floor (bad knees and old age) and these are some of the other requirements that we wanted to fulfil…
Master bedroom gets early morning light
Master bedroom has attached ensuite & dressing room
Main shower room is upstairs to serve other bedrooms
Back door does not enter into the utility
Utility & Pantry are both off the kitchen
Main living area south facing for solar gain
Main living area gets western evening light
Snug is at front of house
The dual aspect nature of the master bedroom’s north and east facing windows will make the most of the sunrise. The west facing slider in the kitchen dining Living room is there for the evening light and access to a patio area.
The southerly aspect of the main glass gable allows for solar heating of the main space, and roofing windows for all-day light and the ability to dump excess heat in the summer.
A tale of two Halves
The house is split into 2 buildings. Looking from the front, the left (west) side is a vaulted single storey barn that contains the open plan KDL area with a small utility room and pantry behind and the integrated double garage beyond that.
On the ideal (east) side is the 2 storey accommodation block. The ground floor has the snug at the front with the stair lobby and wc/cloakroom beyond that. then the master bedroom with its ensuite and dressing room. The first floor consists of the bathroom, bedroom 2 and 3 and an open landing / study area that could be converted to a 4th bedroom if required by a future owner.
Automated home 2.0 floor plan – click to enlarge
Joining both buildings is a single storey flat roofing hallway. This runs along the overlapping section and the front and back doors face each other at opposite ends of the hall corridor.
In lots of ways this entrance is the opposite of our last home. instead of a large hallway with a double height space, the entrance here is a lot more of a compressed affair which then opens up into the 5 metre vaulted ceiling of the main living area.
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Vanha salimme tuntui myös melko paljon kadonneen tilaa, mutta tällä asettelulla suuri osa siitä on sisällytetty keittiöön / ruokailutilaan vielä suuremman tilan tunteen vuoksi.
Jopa edellä olevien palvelujen vaatimuksella talon makuuhuoneen puolella on myös suhteellisen korkeat katot – 2,7 metriä alakerrassa, kun taas kaikissa ensimmäisen kerroksen huoneissa on holvattu katot. Pää suihkuhuoneen lisäksi, jolla on tavanomainen tasainen katto, joka antaa meille yläpuolella olevan paikan joillekin kasveille.
Tässä on Architects 2020: n ottaminen asetteluun ja muotoiluun.
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